Jun 27, 2009

Do You Know Where You're Going To?

A few moments before I took this photo, this subway was taken out of service and we were kicked out. This man couldn't get off in time; he was sleeping beforehand.

I sang the first line of "Theme From Mahogany" as the train pulled out.

Mid-Year Movie Roundup

So far this year, I've seen the following movies (in chronological order):

Gran Torino
Coraline (3D)
Monsters vs. Aliens (IMAX 3D)
State Of Play
Earth (twice)
Star Trek (twice)
Up (once each in 2D and 3D; I prefer the 2D version)
Food, Inc.

I must say that I haven't seen any outright stinkers yet; at the very least, I've gained a fun experience from every movie. The more memorable movies from this list, however, have offered more than just pure entertainment - they've also given me topics to think about long after the final credits have rolled.

I plan to see My Sister's Keeper later this morning, even though it looks like a tearjerking chick flick (albeit, one based on a book with an interesting premise). The last time I cried at the movies was while watching Seven Pounds, and given my tendency not to cry at emotional entertainment, I vowed that I wouldn't tear up. Boy, did I ever eat crow on that one.

In the near future, I definitely want to see Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen in IMAX, despite the bad reviews it's earned. Julie and Julia also looks interesting, if only to see an acting legend (Meryl Streep) and a breakout star (Amy Adams).

Jun 25, 2009

"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Fat"

While riding the subway home, I found out that Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest earlier today. A group of strangers told me the news, but I honestly thought I was being punk'd. However, I got the feeling that they were legit even before one of the ladies showed me the news on her Blackberry (at least, I think it was a Blackberry).

No doubt, every blogger on Earth will be posting MJ videos in tribute. You know I don't tend to follow the crowd, so here's my tribute.

Jun 17, 2009

Suddenly Wanting To Reconnect

I ran into a high school acquaintance a few Saturdays ago at a Luminato event. We had a very good conversation, after which I asked if she was on Facebook. After getting an affirmative answer, we exchanged Facebook names; I added her as a friend that evening.

I think the events of that day have served as a catalyst for the recent friend requests I've made on Facebook. When I first signed up, I knew of many people from grade school who were also there, but I didn't rush to add them as friends. The truth is that I was scared of their possible rejections due to past indiscretions with my temper, which I touched on in this post. However, in the past few days, I've made five friend requests to people whom I at least thought treated me with respect back in my school days.

Four have been accepted so far. If number five rejects, it's her loss.

Jun 16, 2009

CD Collection Update #3

I picked up this album just like I said I would. I'm listening to it as I type and I like what I hear.

Artist: Jonas Brothers
Title: Lines, Vines And Trying Times
Genre(s): pop

Download my updated CD collection.

Jun 13, 2009

Luminato 2009: Cirque du Soleil (Day 2)

The world-renowned Cirque du Soleil troupe gave free performances today at Toronto's waterfront.

Luminato 2009: Cirque du Soleil (Day 2)

Jun 12, 2009

Rockin' The Sure Shot

My current camera is a Fujifilm FinePix A510; I've had it for almost three years. My reason for purchase was to take photographs of my 2006 summer vacation in Montreal; I probably thought that I would just use it for subsequent vacations after that one.

As you've probably figured out, I've used it for much more than that purpose - so much so that I've been seriously considering an upgrade to a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera. In recent days, I've been researching cameras from companies like Nikon, Canon and Sony. Also, while I was taking photos this afternoon, I checked the brands of the cameras (particularly the DSLRs) which people brought with them, and Nikon and Canon definitely stood out. Interesting fact: while on my way home from church tonight, I looked at a temporary carnival at Jane-Finch Mall and guessed the shutter speed and aperture I'd need in order to take good shots. I've never needed to consider those parameters with my current camera, but once I step up to the DSLR leagues, their considerations would be my bread and shutter.

So far, I've spoken with a few people (about three) about which brand I should go with; they've all said that Nikon is my best bet. Furthermore, one of the trainers at my gym recommended that I go with the Nikon D60 as an entry-level DSLR. In truth, even before I asked him, I short-listed this camera as one of my choices (along with the Canon EOS 450D).

Until I save enough money for this purchase, my Fuji will continue to be my main camera. Furthermore, even if I save enough money, I'll still need to find full-time work before the end of July - otherwise, my savings will go toward my living expenses.

Luminato 2009: RedBall Project (Day 5)

Once again, I took photos of a giant red ball in downtown Toronto. This instance proved to be a bit more interesting than the first one.

Luminato 2009: RedBall Project (Day 5)

Jun 9, 2009

Jun 8, 2009

My Photos At The Luminato Website

As I said in my previous post, I submitted a few photos (thirteen in all) to Luminato for possible inclusion on their website. I'm happy to report that they've all made it.

Go to this page in order to see the photos I submitted. At press time, photos #2-13 and #23 are mine, but in any event, mine are labelled "Luminato photos: Light On Your Feet (Salsa Night)" (mouse over the photo to see the label).

Jun 7, 2009

Luminato 2009: Light On Your Feet (Salsa Night)

I didn't expect to take 100-something photos at yesterday's Luminato event, but I did.

Luminato 2009: Light On Your Feet (Salsa Night)

Expect a few more Luminato photo albums, including another Light On Your Feet event showcasing big band and swing music. I've emailed a few photos from this album to Luminato for possible inclusion on their website.

Jun 3, 2009

CD Collection Update #2

I didn't pick up the new Franz Ferdinand remix album. I did, however, pick up the following...

Artist: Grizzly Bear
Title: Veckatimest
Genre(s): folk, indie rock

Download my updated CD collection.

Jun 1, 2009

One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest

I've been cooped up at home for six days, but it wasn't by choice.

I felt great last Monday (May 25); I took my normal boxing class and had a few nice chats at the gym and on my way home. I was already looking forward to seeing the new Pixar movie, Up, in 3D. I was also looking forward to bowling on Friday night with young adults from my church.

On Tuesday morning, however, everything changed. At first, I just started coughing; no big deal, right? On that same day, however, the aches, headaches, chills and fever followed. This was definitely not a cold.

Since I determined that evening that this was the flu at work, I decided to stay home and recuperate, even if it meant that my plans for the week (including the weekend) would have to be put aside. As a result, I've pretty much been resting in bed for entire days, only taking breaks to do necessary things like eat - and that was when I had a full appetite. I recall one time when I mixed my nightly protein shake and took a very small sip, but at that point, I felt like I was ready to vomit! I quickly washed my shaker and briskly walked straight to bed, only getting up again when I felt okay.

It's almost Tuesday morning as I write this post; I'm feeling much better, thank God. Note to self: get a flu shot this year!

Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks"

I've already made room in my spending plan for new albums by Franz Ferdinand (Blood) and the Jonas Brothers (Lines, Vines And Trying Times). I might have to squeeze in Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest if this song has anything to do with it.

They've been getting excellent buzz for that album, but I've largely ignored it...until now.

Good To The Last Drop

I've been sick with the flu for one week so I haven't been updating this blog. I'll explain in more detail later, but in the meantime, enjoy this photo which I captured this morning.