Jun 1, 2009

One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest

I've been cooped up at home for six days, but it wasn't by choice.

I felt great last Monday (May 25); I took my normal boxing class and had a few nice chats at the gym and on my way home. I was already looking forward to seeing the new Pixar movie, Up, in 3D. I was also looking forward to bowling on Friday night with young adults from my church.

On Tuesday morning, however, everything changed. At first, I just started coughing; no big deal, right? On that same day, however, the aches, headaches, chills and fever followed. This was definitely not a cold.

Since I determined that evening that this was the flu at work, I decided to stay home and recuperate, even if it meant that my plans for the week (including the weekend) would have to be put aside. As a result, I've pretty much been resting in bed for entire days, only taking breaks to do necessary things like eat - and that was when I had a full appetite. I recall one time when I mixed my nightly protein shake and took a very small sip, but at that point, I felt like I was ready to vomit! I quickly washed my shaker and briskly walked straight to bed, only getting up again when I felt okay.

It's almost Tuesday morning as I write this post; I'm feeling much better, thank God. Note to self: get a flu shot this year!

Grizzly Bear - "Two Weeks"

I've already made room in my spending plan for new albums by Franz Ferdinand (Blood) and the Jonas Brothers (Lines, Vines And Trying Times). I might have to squeeze in Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest if this song has anything to do with it.

They've been getting excellent buzz for that album, but I've largely ignored it...until now.

Good To The Last Drop

I've been sick with the flu for one week so I haven't been updating this blog. I'll explain in more detail later, but in the meantime, enjoy this photo which I captured this morning.